Enabling teams to manage
reviews and resolve complaints 40% faster

November 2023 - April 2024

Sole Designer

1 CEO, 1 VP of Marketing
1 Product Manager
& 2 Developers


In the fast-paced world of property management, conflicts and complaints can easily slip through the cracks, risking a property's reputation and straining relationships with tenants. I set out with a clear, two-fold mission: to elevate property reputation ratings and to strengthen communication with current, past, and prospective tenants, particularly when it comes to resolving conflicts.

The outcome was transformative. We increased timely review responses by 40% and reduced the average response time by 5 minutes. In addition, we resolved a record 75 conflicts in a single month, leading to greater efficiency and significant cost savings, bringing us closer to Crew Enterprise's profitability milestones.

Track all review activity at a glance.

Access detailed review metrics from all sources, with filters for time and date, plus options to compare data.

Navigate between platforms to manage all reviews.

Track and filter property reviews from all sources, customize your view by ratings and sorting options.

Respond to reviews with AI-generated replies.

Respond to reviews manually or with AI-generated replies for added convenience.

Begin typing directly in the text box to write a manual response to a review. Or, click the wand icon to generate a response using AI.

Provide AI with a prompt to generate.

Loading state while response is being generated.

Once generated, the prompt appears with the AI's reply below. Choose to apply and post, or regenerate.

Create and resolve conflicts in a single view.

Add a conflict from the modal, enter details, and simply hit create.

Mark a conflict as resolved or unresolved, by checking the box. Users can choose to expand or collapse the details.

Easily manage tags for all reviews.

Effortlessly manage both positive and negative reviews by selecting, adding or removing tags with just a click.

Product Level Impact


5 min


increase in timely responses to reviews across all properties

drop in average response time
- down from 12 min

conflicts resolved in April 2024,
most ever in a month

  1. Discovery

  1. Ideation

  1. Design

  1. Testing

  1. Results

  1. Learnings & Reflections

We no longer have to rely on external tools, the reviews portal has streamlined all key actions in a simple layout.

Mckenzie Logan Manager, Sales & Marketing

The newly designed reputation management portal is a game-changer for our workflow, helping us access critical information and resolve issues like never before.

Tyler Lawrence Senior VP, Marketing

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Get in touch.